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Welcome to Boadhouse Production website. we hope you enjoyed your visit to our site. make sure to give us a review on our Facebook and Instagram page. thanks, and we hope to hear from you soon. make sure to share our site with your friends and family.
All About Boadhouse Production
Boadhouse Production was founded by Mr.Nelon James A>K>A DjNeil back in December 2019. Since then we strive to bring the best in production, Audio engineering, and quality within our production/music. we also have worked with many upcoming and well-established artists within our three (3) years since founded. we also provide a host of other services that is dedicated to helping all upcoming artist withing their career ., we are located within Central America at a beautiful country named Belize C.A.make sure to check our us on Instagram and Facebook and make sure to check out our youtube channel and to like, comment and subscribe and turn on post notification.
The mission statement of Boadhouse Production:
To develop a world-class record label for both underground and main stream Artist at the highest level possible and make it available through out the world.
Vision of Boadhouse Production:
To build a highly successful record label organization that is internationally respected and connected through out the music industry.
Honor Code:
We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate anyone among us that does. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Core Values:
Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do